Our Event Schedules

⚫ Weekly Events     Monthly Events     Annual Events

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to research our church online. We hope that you will join us on Sundays and Wednesdays to experience our worship and praise.

Our Weekly Events

Sunday Service

Coffee, Fellowship & Devotional

- 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School

- 9:45 a.m.

Morning Traditional Worship

- 10:50 a.m.

Choir Practice

- 5:00 p.m.

Evening Worship

- 6:00 p.m.

Children's Church

- 10:50 a.m.

1st and 3rd Sunday each month (schedule may be modified holidays)

Tuesday Schedule


- 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday Activities & Schedule


- 6:30 p.m.
Belmore Youth

- 6:30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting

- 6:30 p.m.
Business Meeting & Prayer Time

- 6:30 p.m.

(Wednesday after the 2nd Sunday each month)


We have Sunday School for ALL ages

Childcare is provided for ALL these activities

Transportation provided upon request - please call the church office Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - noon, 1:00 p.m. - 5 p.m. to arrange transportation if needed.

Bro. Matt Wood, Senior Pastor
Neil Conner, Music Minister
Betty Blomberg, Ministry Assistant 

Our Monthly Events

June 18

Father's Day

No Evening Service

June 19-23

Kids On Mission Camp 

July 2nd

Independence Day Celebration

July 4

No Wednesday Services 

Our Annual Events

Visitation ........................................................................................................................ 5:30 pm

Chili Cook-Off to begin World Hunger Offering ........................................................ February 27, , 6:15 p.m.

Easter Cantata .............................................................................................................. April 14, 10:50 a.m.

Good Friday Services .................................................................................................... April 19,  noon

Easter Egg Hunt ............................................................................................................. April 20, 10:00 a.m.

Vacation Bible School ................................................................................................... June 10-14, 6:00-8:30 p.m (Kids age 4 - Grade 5)

Kids on Mission Camp .................................................................................................... at Heart of Texas Baptist Encampment

Youth Intensity Camp ..................................................................................................... at Heart of Texas Baptist Encampment

Pie, Cake & Craft Auction (Bar-B-Que) ........................................................................ August 18, noon

Poinsettia Sale for Hanging of the Green .................................................................... September 22 - October 27

Round-Up Sunday and Church Meal .......................................................................... September 29 (Meal at noon)

CVBA 129th Annual Meeting (TBA) ................................................................................ October 6

Fall Festival/Trunk 'r' Treat .............................................................................................. October 30, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Church Wide Thanksgiving Dinner ............................................................................... November 24, 5:00 p.m.

Hanging of the Green .................................................................................................... December 1, 6:00 p.m.

TeamKID Post Office ....................................................................................................... December 1  -  December 18

Seekers Class Christmas Party ..................................................................................... December 5, 6:30 p.m.

Access Class Christmas Party ...................................................................................... December 8 noon

Children's Church Christmas Party .............................................................................. December 15, 10:50 a.m.

Christmas Cantata(Church Wide Christmas Party) .................................................. December 15, 6:00 p.m.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service & Lord's Supper ................................................... December 24,  6:00 p.m.

Holiday Schedules / Hours 201

Office closed

January 1 .....................................................................................................New Year's Day

April 19 ......................................................................................................... Good Friday

May 27 ........................................................................................................ Memorial Day

July 4 ........................................................................................................... Independence Day

September 2 .............................................................................................. Labor Day

November 28 & 29 .................................................................................... Thanksgiving

December 24 & 25 ..................................................................................... Christmas 

December 26-December 31, after 1:00

⚫ The March Calendar deadline is February 19 at noon.  Please be sure all scheduled events have been turned into the office.  Thank you.